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Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics


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  • Currently displaying 3821 - 3838 of 3838 publications
Homological mirror symmetry for log Calabi-Yau surfaces
A Keating, P Hacking
– arXiv:2005.05010
Transitive sets and cyclic quadrilaterals
P Russell, I Leader, M Walters
– Journal of Combinatorics
Compressions and probably intersecting families
P Russell
– Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
Bordered Floer homology for manifolds with torus boundary via immersed curves
J Rasmussen, J Hanselman, L Watson
– Journal of the American Mathematical Society
Hyperbolic dynamics of Euler-Lagrange flows on prescribed energy levels
GP Paternain
On universality of blow-up profile for L2 critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation
P Raphael, F merle, P Raphael
– Inventiones Mathematicae
Carleson for Beginners
TW Korner
Logarithmic Donaldson-Thomas theory
D Ranganathan, D Maulik
– Forum of Mathematics, Pi
Discussion of Adaptive confidence intervals for the test error in classification by Laber and Murphy
RJ Samworth
– Journal of the American Statistical Association
Integration and pointwise convergence
TW Korner
– Comment. Math. Prace Mat.
Cyclic base change of cuspidal automorphic representations over function fields
J Thorne, M Harris, T Feng, G Bockle, C Khare
– Compositio Mathematica
Diffusions, Markov Processes, and Martingales, Volume 1
LCG Rogers
Generic stabilizers in actions of simple algebraic groups
R Lawther, RM Guralnick
– Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Random labelled trees and their branching networks
GR Grimmett
– Australian Mathematical Society. Journal. Series A
Transitive sets in Euclidean Ramsey theory
P Russell, I Leader, M Walters
– Journal of Combinatorial Theory: Series A
Diffusions, Markov Processes, and Martingales, VOlume 2
LCG Rogers
Computing structure constants for rings of finite rank from minimal free resolutions
T Fisher, L Radicevic
– Mathematical Research Letters
Generic stabilizers in actions of simple algebraic groups II: higher Grassmannian varieties
R Lawther, RM Guralnick