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Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics


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  • Currently displaying 1 - 20 of 3883 publications
A note on separability in outer automorphism groups
F Fournier-Facio
Finite de Finetti bounds in relative entropy
L Gavalakis, O Johnson, I Kontoyiannis
PathGPS: discover shared genetic architecture using GWAS summary data.
Z Gao, Q Zhao, T Hastie
– Biometrics
NODE-Adapter: Neural Ordinary Differential Equations for Better Vision-Language Reasoning
Y Zhang, C-W Cheng, K Yu, Z He, C-B Schönlieb, AI Aviles-Rivero
Deviation of Top Eigenvalue for Some Tridiagonal Matrices Under Various Moment Assumptions
Y Han
– Annales Henri Poincaré
Weak dimension of power series rings over valuation rings
A Jones
– Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Floer theory and spectral networks
YJ Nho
Classical homological stability from the point of view of cells
O Randal-Williams
– Algebraic & Geometric Topology
Probabilistic Definition of the Schwarzian Field Theory
R Bauerschmidt, I Losev, P Wildemann
Configuration spaces as commutative monoids
O Randal-Williams
– Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
High-probability minimax lower bounds
T Ma, KA Verchand, RJ Samworth
Property $\mathrm{(NL)}$ for group actions on hyperbolic spaces (with an appendix by Alessandro Sisto)
SH Balasubramanya, F Fournier-Facio, A Genevois
– Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics
Hyperbolic actions of Thompson's group $F$ and generalizations
S Balasubramanya, F Fournier-Facio, MCB Zaremsky
Text Messages to Promote Physical Activity in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease: A Micro-Randomized Trial of a Just-In-Time Adaptive Intervention.
JR Golbus, J Shi, K Gupta, R Stevens, VSE Jeganathan, E Luff, T Boyden, B Mukherjee, S Kohnstamm, V Taralunga, V Kheterpal, S Kheterpal, K Resnicow, S Murphy, W Dempsey, P Klasnja, BK Nallamothu
– Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Percolation critical probabilities of matching lattice pairs
GR Grimmett, Z Li
– Random Structures and Algorithms
Calibrated prediction of scarce adverse drug reaction labels with conditional neural processes
M Garcia-Ortegon, S Seal, S Singh, A Bender, S Bacallado
Homological Lagrangian monodromy for some monotone tori
M Augustynowicz, J Smith, J Wornbard
– Quantum Topology
Vanishing criteria for Ceresa cycles
J Laga, A Shnidman
Improved stability for the size and structure of sumsets
A Granville, J Smith, A Walker
Deep Block Proximal Linearised Minimisation Algorithm for Non-convex Inverse Problems
C Huang, Z Wu, Y Cheng, T Zeng, C-B Schönlieb, AI Aviles-Rivero