It is essential that you familiarise yourself immediately with the CMS fire alarm procedures. Details can be found in the safety information file in your office
Emergency number for FIRE/POLICE/AMBULANCE is 1 999
Emergency number for SECURITY is 1 31818/01223 331818
The CMS Site operates a no-smoking policy
Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
University of Cambridge
Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Wilberforce Road
Tel: (01223) (3)37999
Web site:
Welcome to the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
DPMMS is one of the two mathematics departments in Cambridge, the other being the Department of Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics (DAMTP). Together with the Betty and Gordon Moore Library and the Isaac Newton Institute, the two departments make up the Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CMS). This guide is to assist with induction to DPMMS giving some key basic information.
DPMMS and DAMTP have their own Heads of Department, finance and administration personnel teams to assist with the day to day needs of the departments. The Statistical Laboratory has a Director and is also supported by the DPMMS administration team who are located on the first floor of Pavilion C. All members of the admin team are available and able to offer help and assistance at any time – please feel free to drop by.
Head of Department Professor Ivan Smith Director of Statistical Laboratory Professor Richard Samworth |
Finance and Grants Administration Edina Tandari Finance and Grants Manager Anita Gunadi Finance Assistant and ERC Grants Administrator Annette Keuper Finance Assistant
Administration Ben Daft Business Operations Manager Julia Blackwell PA to Head of DPMMS & Director of Statistical Laboratory Jayne Clough DPMMS Administration Sally Baume Internships Co-ordinator
The Faculty of Mathematics operates a shared administration service for some of the operations of the Faculty. The four categories and a brief description of their functions follows:
IT Helpdesk For computer related queries, including software and hardware, the IT department run a helpdesk. Please direct all enquiries to For details on how to apply for access to the maths linux system or to check if you already have a login, please visit this page Computing and IT general pages
Deputy Departmental Administrator (Education) Sarah Dodd; Director of Postgraduate Education of Professor Jason Miller Postgraduate Office Manager Tessa Blackman Postgraduate Office Manager's office (C0.14) is located on the ground floor of Pavilion C and is the first point of call for all Graduate Student related matters. Part III Course Co-Ordinator Nic Hilton Responsible for the day-to-day coordination of Part III |
HR Office Manager, Kim Quiggin The HR Office Manager's office (B1.27) is located on the first floor of Pavilion B. HR can assist with enquiries regarding, visas, contracts of employment, letters of introduction for purposes of opening bank accounts, recruitment, staff welfare and peer review.
Undergraduate Office Manager, Alexandra Hancock, Undergraduate Education Lead, Dr Mike Tehranchi The Undergraduate Office (B1.29) is located on the first floor of Pavilion B and is the first point of call for all Undergraduate Student related matters. The Office also organises the lecture list and is responsible for the administration of the Faculty’s examinations.
Financial matters and claiming expenses Please contact the Finance Office (C1.19) for help with all aspects of grant applications and submission, including Worktribe (formerly X5), liaising with sponsors, Principal Investigators and the Research Operations Office to achieve deadlines. The Finance & Grants Administrator oversees all the active grants within the Department providing analysis and reconciliation. The Finance Office receives and processes expense forms and can be contacted for information on all things financial.
Employees claim expenses through the new system, SAP Concur
There are links to short videos to help you get started on the website and the Finance Team is on hand to help with any queries.
Please note – you can also download a phone App to help you keep track of receipts while travelling.
Expense Forms for visitors and students can be downloaded, completed and handed in to the Finance Office.
Hard copies of these forms can be found on the bench outside the Finance Office. Please note, expenses must be claimed within a reasonable time, currency should not be converted and original, itemised receipts must be provided. Reimbursement for staff and overseas visitors is paid by BACS for which claimants will need to provide a bank statement. It must show the individual's name, account number and sort code. All transactions and balance can be covered (redacted statement). See Visitors - Guidance for Expense claims.
Inviting Seminar speakers: Please see guidelines on what the Department’s Seminar budget is able to cover.
Travel, Insurance and travel risk assessments
The University's preferred supplier is Key Travel. Admin staff can assist with booking travel for you and we have found the most efficient way is for you to register with Key Travel, complete a traveller profile with your details, passport number etc, then go ahead and search Key Travel for air travel/train hotel or whatever you require and request a quote. Send the quote to admin staff together with details of where the travel is being funded from, for example, supervisor's grant (if so will need supervisor's approval too) department funds whatever) . Admin staff will then raise a purchase order which you then add to the quote and complete the booking. Documentation will then be sent directly to your email address.
Before you travel checklist :
- Make sure your contact details (including emergency contacts) are up to date on the University HR system.
- While on the trip, report any safety concerns to the department if necessary.
- Risk Assessment and insurance.
The University is introducing a new travel risk assessment platform called Peregrine Foresight which is currently being rolled out across the University of Cambridge. This will replace the current system of completing a paper risk assessment form and sending it to the BOM.
The benefits of this system include the following:
- The system will assess the level of risk of your trip based on live, real world data and information rather than you judging the risk level yourself.
- We will have accurate information to tell us where staff are in the World. This is particularly helpful when unforeseen events occur (eg. the recent hurricane in Florida).
- By completing a risk assessment through the platform you will automatically be registered for University Travel insurance. (As of 17/10/24 this benefit hasn’t actually gone live yet but is imminent).
You will need to create a Profile when first logging into the Peregrine Foresight system and then complete your risk assessment. There are guidance materials including step by step video guides on how to login, edit your profile and use the platform available here:
There is also a helpdesk who can be contacted should you have any problems getting to grips with the new platform. They can be contacted at:
Once you have completed your risk assessment and submitted it I will be notified and can approve your trip.
All staff and PhD students in the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics will need to complete a risk assessment through the Peregrine Foresight platform for all future trips. If you have already submitted a paper risk assessment form for an upcoming trip that I have received then that is still valid. Please use the platform for your next trip though.
Postgraduate Student Travel
Full details for Postgraduate students travelling to conferences, research visits, can be found here.
Academic Leave
- Academic and Study Leave
The Faculty Board asks that at least two term's notice is given when applying for Sabbatical Leave, using the (CHRIS/67) form.
Short Leave requests for time away during Full Term (for between 2 - 14 nights) should be submitted to the Head of Department for approval BEFORE the period of leave takes place. Permission is not needed for a period of leave less than 2 nights.
Please use the Short Leave form for these requests: (Docx)
Requests for a period of leave between 15 - 28 nights should be made to the General Board, via the Faculty Board, using the (CHRIS/67) form.
General information
Employee Self-Service (ESS) Employee Self-service lets you:
- Supply and update HESA personal data
- Add or amend your address, phone numbers and email addresses
- Add or amend emergency contact details
- View and download online payslips (from June 2008 onwards)
- View P60 (from the tax year 2009/10 onwards)
- View your sickness record
Sickness: All employees should use the (CHRIS/62) form to report all sickness absences to their departmental administrator or head of institution. After seven calendar days' absence, you need a medical certificate from a doctor. Information on the University's Sickness Absence Policy is available on the Human Resources Division website.
Access Cards: For any enquiries regarding access cards please contact Julia Blackwell who is the Card Representative. If you lose your card please report this immediately to as they will be able to disable the card to prevent unauthorised use.
Post: Incoming post is put in the pigeonholes opposite the main reception desk. For any post related queries including special deliveries please contact DPMMS admin staff. The internal postal system (UMS) is collected and delivered from Reception daily at around 11.00 am. University Teaching Officers and staff have a personal pigeon hole all other mail will be placed in the A-Z boxes in the DPMMS or Stats Lab section.
Telephones: Use 9 for an outside line. With the exception of UTO’s offices phones are defaulted to make local and internal calls only. We have found the telephones are being used less and less and we are charged for each line used therefore during the course of the refurbishment the phones are being removed form Postgraduate Student Rooms. Julia Blackwell is the Telephone Liaison Officer and can help if you need passwords reset for messages boxes or any other information or assistance.
Stationery: A small selection is kept in Rooms C1.17, D1.16 and E0.23. If you cannot find what you want, or supplies are running low please contact Jayne Clough.
Photocopying: Copiers (with scanning facilities) can be found in the equipment rooms C1.17 and D1.16 and in E0.23 with multifunctioning printers/scanners/copiers placed around the Pavilions. If you encounter any malfunctions with the photocopiers please contact either Julia Blackwell or Jayne Clough.
Seminars: Details of the Department’s seminars are listed on the front page of the DPMMS Website and screens in the Central Core list up to date information of seminars being held around the site. For seminar organisers and those hosting speakers please see General Guide for Department Seminar Organisers and Guidelines (Financial Matters) for Departmental Seminar Organisers.
Academic Visitors: Do give as much notice of impending visitors as possible. If you have visitors (seminar speakers, collaborators etc) please speak to DPMMS Admin Staff who will be able to advise on accommodation, office space, IT, library facilities and access to the building. Office accommodation for visiting PhD students cannot be guaranteed but we can provide IT accounts and access cards.
Health and Safety and Emergencies: The Facilities Manage, James Wilcock is the Site Safety Officer (office D0.03, extension 66915). Any problems with the building should be reported to him immediately. First Aiders can be summoned via CMS Reception (65000). CMS Site safety policy found be found here.
- University EMERGENCY number (currently 101);
- University security number (currently 31818);
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) work station Assessments
In the first instance Staff are encouraged to read the following DSE guidance leaflets supplied by Occupational Health:
OHL03 - Working safely with Display Screen Equipment (DSE) desktops
OHL04 - Working safely with Display Screen Equipment (DSE) laptops
Disability Liaison Office
Please contact the DAMTP Department Administration with questions and issues around disability.
Building Maintenance: If you have any building maintenance problems, please report these to the facilities staff