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Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics



DPMMS Finance and Research Grants  Team can be found in C1.19

Edina Tandari  Finance & Grants Manager
Anita Gunadi   Finance Assistant & ERC Grants Administrator
Annette Keuper 

Finance Assistant  (Expense claims, invoices, purchase orders) 


The Team is available to assist with all aspects of grant applications and submission, including Worktribe (formerly X5), liaising with sponsors, Principal Investigators and the Research Operations Office to achieve deadlines.  The Finance & Grants Manager oversees all the active grants within the Department providing analysis and reconciliation. 

Expense Claims


University Employees claim expenses through the new system, SAP Concur.  The Finance Team is on hand to help with any queries and a video  can be viewed to help you get started.    Department will shortly be able to use Concur to pay expenses to visitors (currently only UK bank accounts are supported).  Please see Expense Claims Guidance for Staff document for further information. 


Expense Forms for  visitors without UK bank accounts and students can be downloaded, completed and emailed Accounts Payable . 

Please note expenses must be claimed within three months, currency should not be converted and original, itemised receipts must be provided. Reimbursement for staff and overseas visitors is paid by BACS for which claimants will need to provide a bank statement. It must show the individual's name, account number and sort code. All transactions and balance can be covered (redacted statement).  To avoid any delay in reimbursement ensure all information is submitted - see  Visitors - Guidance for Expense claims. 


Please refer to the 'Time Away from the Department' information on the Post Graduate Office webpage.

Claims must be authorised by your supervisor and include a copy of an authorised Pre-Travel request form.

Please only submit one trip per claim. Use original currency paid, as per the receipt, do not convert to GBP.

Download Student Expense Claim Form here. If your claim includes a large number of items, please use this template to itemise your receipts. 

Please submit your claim and supporting documents, including the original itemised receipts (credit card slips are insufficient to demonstrate what is being purchased) to

DPMMS Departmental Seminars 

Please see guidelines on what the Department’s Seminar budget is able to cover.

Departmental Funding

Support for Postgraduate students

Details for students travelling to conferences, research visits, can be found here.

Support for College Research Fellow - Research Expenses

The Department will offer £500 per year on research expenses to College Research Fellows which can be used on travel/accommodation/visitors etc. This funding supports these activities but you should look for additional sources of funding as well to cover costs such as Colleges or external grants where possible. To submit a claim for funding support please complete the Pre-travel support form and send to the Business Operations Manager for approval.

Other sources of funding

Foreign Travel Fund (FTP)  [**I don't think this is available any more - can't find it and link is dead]**

School of the Physical Sciences. Travel Fund.

This Fund exists for making grants towards the cost of travelling and other expenses, incurred by University officers in established posts, in attending conferences or in travel for study or research connected with their University duties. Eligibility criteria and full application guidelines can be found by clicking on the link above.

Research Grants

Grant Applications at DPMMS

The grant application process is managed by the Research Operations Office's Pre-Award Team working closely with staff in Departments. All applications for external research funding must go through the Research Operations Office (ROO). Please seek permission from HoD and notify the department as soon as possible as we need to give 4 weeks’ notice to ROO.