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Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics


Rollo Davidson Lecture, Monday 4th November, Professor Allan Sly (Princeton)

Congratulation to Julian Sahasrabudhe awarded a Whitehead Prize for his outstanding contributions to Ramsey theory

DPMMS Departmental Colloquia, Thursday 10 October 4pm, MR2, Oscar Randal-Williams, Functions with no critical points.

Statistical Aspects of Non-Linear Inverse Problems Workshop 17-19 September 2024

Singularity Formation for Nonlinear PDEs, 9-12 September 2024

Senior Academic Promotions. Congratulations to Perla Sousi promoted to Professor of Probability (Grade 12), Varun Jog promoted to Professor of Information Theory and Statistics (Grade 11) and Qingyuan Zhao promoted to Professor of Statistics (Grade 11).

Congratulations to John Aston elected Fellow of the Royal Society, 2024

Congratulations to Oscar Randal Williams elected Fellow of the Royal Society, 2024

Rollo Davidson Trust Congratulations to Duncan Dauvergne (University of Toronto),  Nina Holden (New York University) and Xin Sun (University of Pennsylvania)jointly awarded Rollo Davidson Prize, 2023

DPMMS Departmental Colloquia - April 2024 Julia Wolf .  When is a mathematical object well behaved? 

Congratulations to Julia Wolf awarded a 2024 Pilkington Prize

DPMMS Departmental Colloquia - January 2024 Jack Thorne, Equidistribution and reciprocity in number theory

Congratulations to Jack Thorne elected to the Kuwait Professorship of Number Theory and Algebra from 1 January 2024

Congratulations to Oscar Randal-Williams elected to the Sadleirian Professorship of Pure Mathematics from 1 January 2024

Congratulations to Andrew Thomason jointly awarded the 2024 Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research

Congratulations to Jason Miller awarded the 2023 Fermat Prize

Congratulations to Po-Ling-Loh awarded Philip Leverhulme Prize, 2023

Congratulations to Jason Miller awarded an ERC consolidator grant

2023 Peter Whittle Lecture Sourav Chatterjee will give this year's lecture, "A new coefficient of correlation" on Wednesday 18 October 16:30 in MR2

Congratulations to Holly Krieger and Po-Ling-Loh, Philip Leverhulme Prize Winners 2023

Congratulations to Ivan Smith elected as Fellow of the Royal Society

Congratulations to Pierre Raphael on receiving Clay Research Award 2023

Congratulations to Yiannis Kontoyiannis elected to Fellowship in the Institute of Mathematical Statistics<

Congratulations to Richard Nickl awarded an ERC Advanced Grant 

Congratulations to Jack Thorne jointly awarded the The 2023 AMS Cole Prize in Number Theory

Congratulations to Jason Miller jointly awarded the 2023 Leonard Eisenbud Prize .

Congratulations to Julian Sahasrabudhe awarded a Raphael Salem Prize

Senior Academic Promotions Congratulations to Ailsa Keating, Kaisey Mandel and Dhruv Ranganathan on their promotion to Professor (Grade 11) and to Roland Bauerschmidt and Rajen Shah on their promotion to Professor (Grade 12)

IBL60 One day meeting in combinatorics 5 September 2023 in honour of Imre Leader's 60th birthday

200 Years of Trinity Combinatorics, 4-6 July 2023, This conference marks the occasion of the 80th birthday of Bela Bollobas and the 60th birthdays of Timothy Gowers and Imre Leader. The conference is on all aspects of Combinatorics and related areas.

Congratulations to Yiannis Kontoyiannis elected to Fellowship in the Institute of Mathematical Statistics

70 Years of Percolation, 24 – 28 July 2023: A conference in honour of Geoffrey Grimmett’s 70th birthday

Iwasawa 2023: in memory of John Coates. The ninth Iwasawa conference will take place 17-21 July  2023 at the University of Cambridge

Congratulations to Richard Nickl awarded an ERC Advanced Grant

Congratulations to Paul Minter appointed Clay Research Fellow from July 2023

Congratulations to L.J. Hill and M. Augustynowicz both of Trinity College jointly awarded the 2023 Thomas  Bond Sprague Prize

Congratulations to Jack Thorne jointly awarded the The 2023 AMS Cole Prize in Number Theory 

Congratulations to Jason Miller jointly awarded the 2023 Leonard Eisenbud Prize for works on random two-dimensional geometries, and in particular on Liouville Quantum Gravity.

Congratulations to Pierre Raphael on being jointly awarded the 2023 Bôcher Memorial Prize for groundbreaking work establishing the existence of blow-up solutions to the defocusing NLS equation in some supercritical regimes and to the compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations.

David Spiegelhalter and the Infected Blood Inquiry: David was part of a team giving extensive evidence to the Infected Blood Inquiry. This was established to investigate the circumstances in which people were given infected blood and infected blood products, in particular in the 1970s and 1980s.

Oxbridge PDE Conference 2023. The twelfth annual two-day Oxbridge PDE conference will be held at CMS, 23-24th March.

Congratulations to Wendelin Werner, awarded Royal Society Research Professorship 

Congratulations to Oscar Randal-Williams on winning 2022 Clay Research Award 

Congratulations to Rajen Shah 2022 winner of 2022  Guy Medal in Bronze

Congratulations to Jessica Fintzen on winning a 2022  LMS Whitehead prize 

Rollo Davidson Award 2022. The Trustees announce the award of the 2022 Rollo Davidson Prize jointly to Amol Aggarwal (Columbia University) and Konstantin Tikhomirov (Georgia Institute of Technology Thomas Bond Sprague Prize 2022. The Trustees announce the award of the Thomas Bond Sprague Prize jointly to E.Katiyar, S.McInerney and D.Yue

Combinatorics Meets Model Theory Conference, 20-24 June 2022

International Congress of Mathematicians  Congratulations to Roland Bauerschmidt, Richard Nickl, Oscar Randal-Williams, Jake Rasmussen and Peter Varju who have been invited to speak at ICM 2022.

Mordell 2022 – 100 years of the arithmetic of elliptic curves: Conference took place August 15-19, 2022

Workshop in honour of James Norris' 60th birthday:  Scaling limits: from statistical mechanics to manifolds 5-7 September

COMB in CAMB: Summer School on Combinatorial Methods in Algebraic Geometry 5-9 September 2022

Professor John Coates (1945-2022) We are sad to learn of the death of John Coates FRS, Sadleirian Professor 1986-2012. John was a distinguished number theorist and a dynamic Head of DPMMS 1991-97. 

The Rouse Ball Lecture 2022 will be given by Professor Jon Chapman (Oxford) and will take place on Tuesday 24th May at 12.00, in the Babbage Lecture Theatre

Mordell Lecture, Thursday 10 March Laure Saint-Raymond, (ENS Lyon) will deliver the 2022 Mordell Lecture

Congratulations to Ailsa Keating awarded European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant 

Congratulations to Jack Thorne awarded the 2022 New Horizons in Mathematics Prize

Professor Peter Whittle (27 February 1927 - 10 August 2021)  Peter was the first Churchill Professor of Mathematics for Operational Research, from 1967 until his retirement in 1994.

Sir David Cox (1924 -2022), one of the fathers of modern statistics was lecturer in the Statistical Laboratory 1950-56, later Professor of Statistics at Birkbeck and then Imperial College, and Warden of Nuffield College, Oxford.

Congratulations to Sir John Aston knighted for services to Statistics and Public Policymaking.

Congratulations to Holly Krieger named as a 2021–2022 fellow at Harvard Radcliffe Institute. Congratulations to Sir John Aston knighted for services to Statistics and Public Policymaking.

Congratulations to Ailsa Keating 2021 LMS prize winner, awarded a Berwick Prize

Congratulations to Richard Samworth on being elected a Fellow of the Royal Society

Congratulations to  P. Bevan of Queens' College awarded the Thomas Bond Sprague Prize 2021 for distinguished performance in the areas of statistics and information theory.

Locally analytic representations of p-adic groups Half day meeting Friday 10 September 2021

Professor Bjorn Poonen (MIT) will deliver the Rouse Ball Lecture, 4pm Thursday 13 May 2021

Congratulations to Richard Samworth on being elected a Fellow of the Royal Society

Congratulations to Richard Samworth and Mark Gross awarded European Research Council funding

Congratulations to Ioan Manolescu and Daniel Remenik jointly awarded the  Rollo Davidson Trust Award 2021.  

Congratulations to John Aston. We are delighted to announce that, with effect from 1 January 2021,  John Aston has been elected as the Harding Professor of Statistics in Public Life

Congratulations to Ilmun Kim one of the three recipients of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lawrence D. Brown PhD Student Award for 2020

Congratulations to Jack Thorne elected as Fellow of the Royal Society

Congratulations to Jack Thorne awarded an EMS prize


Past News