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Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics

Professor of Mathematics

Research Interests: Analysis, combinatorics


Evaluating Language Models for Mathematics through Interactions.
KM Collins, AQ Jiang, S Frieder, L Wong, M Zilka, U Bhatt, T Lukasiewicz, Y Wu, JB Tenenbaum, W Hart, T Gowers, W Li, A Weller, M Jamnik
– Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Marton's Conjecture in abelian groups with bounded torsion
WT Gowers, B Green, F Manners, T Tao
On a conjecture of Marton
WT Gowers, B Green, F Manners, T Tao
Evaluating Language Models for Mathematics through Interactions
KM Collins, AQ Jiang, S Frieder, L Wong, M Zilka, U Bhatt, T Lukasiewicz, Y Wu, JB Tenenbaum, W Hart, T Gowers, W Li, A Weller, M Jamnik
Low-complexity approximations for sets defined by generalizations of affine conditions
WT Gowers, T Karam
Equidistribution of high-rank polynomials with variables restricted to subsets of $\mathbb{F}_p$
WT Gowers, T Karam
Generalizations of the Ruzsa-Szemeredi and rainbow Turan problems for cliques
WT Gowers, B Janzer
– Combinatorics Probability Computing
A counterexample to a strengthening of a question of Milman
WT Gowers, K Wyczesany
A Graphical User Interface Framework for Formal Verification.
EW Ayers, M Jamnik, WT Gowers
– Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs
The slice rank of a direct sum
WT Gowers
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