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Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics


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  • Currently displaying 1 - 20 of 3877 publications
Graded Lie algebras, compactified Jacobians and arithmetic statistics
J Laga
– Journal of the European Mathematical Society
ROSE Random Forests for Robust Semiparametric Efficient Estimation
EH Young, RD Shah
Deformed Fréchet law for Wigner and sample covariance matrices with tail in crossover regime
Y Han
– Probability Theory and Related Fields
The congruence subgroup property for mapping class groups and the residual finiteness of hyperbolic groups
H Wilton, A Sisto
Conjectural criteria for the most singular points of the Hilbert schemes of points
F Rezaee
– Experimental Mathematics
Correction: Monodromy and mapping class groups of 3-dimensional hypersurfaces
O Randal-Williams
– Mathematische Annalen
Rank-transformed subsampling: inference for multiple data splitting and exchangeable p-values
FR Guo, RD Shah
– Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology
Simple Binary Hypothesis Testing under Local Differential Privacy and Communication Constraints
A Pensia, AR Asadi, V Jog, PL Loh
– IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
The entropic doubling constant and robustness of Gaussian codebooks for additive-noise channels
L Gavalakis, I Kontoyiannis, M Madiman
– IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Slowly Expanding Stable Dust Spacetimes.
D Fajman, M Ofner, Z Wyatt
– Arch Ration Mech Anal
Skew power series rings over a prime base ring
A Jones, W Woods
– Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
A Positive Proportion of Monic Odd-Degree Hyperelliptic Curves of Genus $g \geq 4$ Have no Unexpected Quadratic Points
J Laga, AA Swaminathan
– International mathematics research notices
Alice and Bob on $\Bbb X$: reversal, coupling, renewal
GR Grimmett
Continuity bounds for quantum entropies arising from a fundamental entropic inequality
K Audenaert, B Bergh, N Datta, MG Jabbour, Á Capel, P Gondolf
RobMedNAS: searching robust neural network architectures for medical image synthesis.
J Zhang, W Chen, T Joshi, M Uyanik, X Zhang, P-L Loh, V Jog, R Bruce, J Garrett, A McMillan
– Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express
Pontryagin duality and sheaves of profinite modules
G Wilkes
Rational curvature invariants for 2-complexes
H Wilton
– Proceedings of the Royal Society A
Monodromy and mapping class groups of 3-dimensional hypersurfaces
O Randal-Williams
– Mathematische Annalen
Bavard duality for the relative Gromov seminorm
A Marchand
– L’Enseignement Mathématique
Generic stabilizers in actions of simple algebraic groups
R Guralnick, R Lawther
– Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society