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Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics


Julia Blackwell and Jayne Clough (Admin Staff)  are the Department's administrators and can either assist or will know where to direct you for help.

Access Cards:  Cards are issued by the University Card Office but for any enquiries regarding cards, including requesting a new card in the event of  breakage or expiry contact Julia Blackwell  who is the Card Representative. If you lose your card please report this immediately to as they will be able to disable the card to prevent unauthorised use and then let Julia know.  

Post: Incoming post is put in the pigeonholes opposite the main reception desk. For any post related queries including special deliveries please contact Julia or Jayne. The internal postal system (UMS) is  collected and delivered from Reception daily at around 11.00 am. University Teaching Officers and staff have a personal pigeon hole all other mail will be placed in the A-Z boxes in the DPMMS or Stats Lab section which faces the reception desk.  Any outgoing post can be put in the post trays situated to the right of the reception desk.

Telephones:  Use 9 for an outside line. With the exception of UTO’s offices phones are defaulted to make local and internal calls only.  We have found the telephones are being used less and less and the Department is  charged for each extension used.  During the course of the refurbishment the phones are being removed from Postgraduate Student Rooms.   If you do have a phone in your office Julia Blackwell is the Telephone Liaison Officer and can help if you need passwords reset for messages boxes or any other information or assistance.

Stationery: A small selection is kept in Rooms C1.17, D1.16 and E0.23. If you cannot find what you want, or supplies are running low please contact Jayne Clough.

Photocopying: Copiers (with scanning facilities) can be found in the equipment rooms C1.17 and  D1.16 and in  E0.23 with multifunctioning printers/scanners/copiers placed around the Pavilions. If you encounter any malfunctions with the photocopiers please contact Admin Staff.

Visitors to the Department

Organising Events 

  • seminars
  • conferences
  • workshops
  • wine receptions

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) work station Assessments

In the first instance Staff are encouraged to read the following DSE guidance leaflets supplied by Occupational Health:

OHL03 - Working safely with Display Screen Equipment (DSE) desktops
OHL04 - Working safely with Display Screen Equipment (DSE) laptops

Employee Self-Service (ESS)  Employee Self-service lets you:

  • Supply and update HESA personal data
  • Add or amend your address, phone numbers and email addresses
  • Add or amend emergency contact details
  • View and download online payslips (from June 2008 onwards)
  • View P60 (from the tax year 2009/10 onwards)
  • View your sickness record


Sickness:  All employees should use the (CHRIS/62) form to report all sickness absences to their departmental administrator or head of institution. After seven calendar days' absence, you need a medical certificate from a doctor. Information on the University's Sickness Absence Policy is available on the Human Resources Division website.

Useful links

Local Library Series

The University Accommodation Service

Society for Newcomers and Visiting Scholars