The Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics is pleased to host the twelfth annual two-day Oxbridge PDE conference, held alternately in Oxford and Cambridge, focusing on analysis and PDE. Go to previous Oxbridge PDE conferences.
This Conference is generously supported by
- DPMMS, University of Cambridge
- ERC Grant ECH2020 726386 (University of Cambridge)
- EPSRC PDE network grant EP/V008854/1 (University of Oxford)
- Prof Clément Mouhot (University of Cambridge)
- Prof Neshan Wickramasekera (University of Cambridge)
- Prof Gui-Qiang Chen (University of Oxford)
Registration for the 2023 conference has now closed. Details of the 2024 event, to be hosted by the University of Oxford, will be published in due course.
- Prof Gui-Qiang Chen (Oxford)
- Prof Claude Warnick (Cambridge)
- Dr Tobias Barker (Bath)
- Dr Immanuel Ben Porat (Oxford)
- Dr Benjamin Fehrman (Oxford)
- Dr Yuzhe Zhu (Cambridge)
- Alex Cliffe (Oxford)
- Andrea Clini (Oxford) - talk handout available here
- Amélie Loher (Cambridge)
- Ryan Unger (Princeton/Cambridge)
The conference programme is available here.
Titles and abstracts
A list of conference participants will be added here shortly. In the meantime here is a photo of the 2023 participants.
Talk slides
Talk slides will be made available here shortly after the conference.
Please contact the ERC Grant Administrator