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Mathematica licences

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Mathematica licences

The university's mathematica licences expire on the weekend of 6-7th Augut 2022. This will have significant effect upn the academic research carried out by many members of the Maths faculty as well as elsewhere in the university.

3rd August 2022

IT have received this communication from our account manager at Academia:

To provide an update, your order is a contribution to a University site license, where other departments that have previously contributed to the University Site license cost – No longer utilise the software and no longer wish to contribute.

We are working with UIS to help fund the shortfall in the site license fee.

Whilst the license has expired, we are working with Wolfram and a grace period is in place for existing licenses so they continue to work.

We hope to have a full resolution in the next few days.

In some ways this raises more questions than it answers but does at least provide reassurance that people are trying to resolve the issue.