The Wall

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(Americans might need to be told that Oz is not the kingdom invented by Frank Baum but Australia.) Anon's work appeared on various walls in Wellington in about 1983. I always rather liked "Six impossible things—collect the set". (I assume this is a reference to Through the Looking-Glass and what Alice found there.) However his (or was it her?) greatest triumph appeared soon after Wellington (Well, Lower Hutt) police had bungled a dawn raid and in the confusion in the dark shot dead the householder, a young father called Paul Chase—whereupon the Prime Minister shot his mouth off with some characteristically unbelievably tactless remark about how he'd brought it on himself etc. etc. The very same week Chuck and Di arrive in Wellington with the infant Prince William. Goo-goo isn't he gorgeous. Anon's graffito said ``PM shoots in dark: kills royal baby''. What a genius. Where is (s)he now??

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