For a prime power "q congruent to 1 modulo 4", a Paley graph is the graph with vertex set the finite field on q elements, "F_q", and an edge between two of its vertices if and only if their difference is a non-zero square in "F_q". A key feature of Paley graphs is that they mimic the typical behaviour of a random graph "G(q,1/2)", that is the graph on q vertices where each possible edge is present or absent equiprobably, independent of all other edges. A particular reason for interest in Paley graphs is the long-standing suspicion that some of them may provide better lower bounds for diagonal Ramsey numbers than the current best graphs "G(q,1/2)". The aim of this talk will be the discussion of Paley graphs, their connection with Ramsey numbers and the theory of Extremal Ramsey graphs.