Ian Grojnowski
...with a writers block like you wouldn't believe.
Address: D.P.M.M.S.,
CMS, Wilberforce Rd, Cambridge, CB3
0WB, England.
Office: (01223) 337930 Fax: (01223) 337920 Messages:
(01223) 337999
email: groj@dpmms.cam.ac.uk
Some papers, some hints as to what I think about.
Recent PhD Students:
Monica Vazirani,
1999, Strong multiplicity one theorems for afffine Hecke algebra.
Elizabeth Mann, 2003, Geometric Satake isomorphism for real reductive
Kevin Costello, 2003, Hilbert Scheme, Gromov-Witten invariants.
(Prior to Cambridge, I had 4 unofficial PhD students.)
Representation theory, 2001.
Coding and cryptography, 2002.
Algebraic curves, 2003.
Recent Part III courses taught:
Topics in modular representation theory, 2003.