Set Theory in the United Kingdom 14

University of Cambridge
Monday 18 November 2024

Set Theory in the United Kingdom is a research network in set theory that was formed in 2018 and has been funded by two Scheme 3 grants of the London Mathematical Society and an INI Network Support grant by the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences.

The members of the network are the Universities of Bristol, Cambridge, East Anglia, Leeds, Oxford, Warwick and University College London. The current coordinators are Andrew Brooke-Taylor (Leeds) and Benedikt Löwe (Cambridge).

STUK 14 is the fourteenth installment of the series and will take place at Churchill College, Cambridge on Monday, 18 November 2024. Talks will be in the Bevin Room: when entering the College through the main gate, go straight ahead along the Concourse to the end, turn left, and leave the building through a glass door, use the covered walkpath to the opposite building; the Bevin Room is one of the seminar rooms accessible from the foyer of the building.

Invited speakers:
Zachiri McKenzie (Chester)
End extensions of models of subsystems of \(\mathsf{ZFC}\)
Tristan van der Vlugt (Vienna)
The horizontal direction & other differences between the classical and higher Cichoń diagram
Allison Wang (Pittsburgh PA)
Complexity of codes for Ramsey positive sets
11:00–11:30 Welcome
11:30–12:30 Tristan van der Vlugt (Vienna)
The horizontal direction & other differences between the classical and higher Cichoń diagram: slides.
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:00 Allison Wang (Pittsburgh PA)
Complexity of codes for Ramsey positive sets
15:00–15:30 Coffee break
15:30–16:30 Zachiri McKenzie (Chester)
End extensions of models of subsystems of \(\mathsf{ZFC}\)
16:30–16:45 Coffee break
16:45–18:00 Informal presentations
16:45–16:55.Calliope Ryan-Smith (Leeds).
16:55–17:25. Hope Duncan (Leeds).
17:25–17:30. Constance Bromham (Leeds).
17:30–17:45. Eric Nichols (Norwich).
17:45–17:55. Huaiyuan Shen (London).
17:55–18:05. Jake Masters (Oxford).


EPSRC EP/V521929/1