Lecture notes and survey articles

Notes on set theory

[17] Surrealist landscape with figures, Periodica Hungarica , 10 109-175; MR 81b:03057

The survey as published suffered from inadequate proof-reading; photocopies of its component parts are therefore appended. They were

A survey of recent results in set theory which was circulated in typescript from Stanford, July 1968

together with

Notes on subsequent developments

which took the story up to 1976/7.

The 1968 typescript makes use of the Bibliography of the Prague Seminar 1962-67 compiled by Petr Hájek.

[18] The real line and the universe Logic Colloquium '76, edited by R.O.Gandy and J.M.E.Hyland, Studies in Logic, 87 (North Holland), 531-546; MR 57 # 12218

[13] (with D. Guaspari et al.) Process security for real-time systems, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Report, August 1985

Brief Remarks on the Axiom of Choice

Well-orderings, ordinals and well-founded relations

Learning mathematics